Google Conversion Optimizer: My Success Story

Reprinted with permission from the blog archives. By: Dane Christensen A few months ago I implemented Google’s Conversion Optimizer on several of our campaigns. I did so with apprehension after reading about others’ experiences with it. I have a healthy fear of Google’s power over the Web, and hesitated to take myself “out of the loop”…

Facebook Falls Flat

Reprinted with permission from the blog archives. By: Dane Christensen I’ve been hearing some claims recently about people having success with pay-per-click advertising on Facebook – plenty of low-cost clicks that were highly targeted due to Facebook’s demographic profiles. So I thought I’d give it a try. I figured it was a win-win situation:…

The Google Algorithm is History!

Reprinted with permission from the blog archives. By: Dane Christensen Wouldn’t you love to really understand the Google AdWords Quality Score Algorithm? I’m not talking about what Google tells you in their help files. I’m talking about knowing how the factors are weighted and how they affect each other, or knowing what those “other relevance…

Reprinted from theThe ClickTracks Inside Track blog archives. By: Dane Christensen A common urban legend claims that we only use 10% of our brains. The validity of that claim may be debatable, but here’s one that isn’t: Marketers use less than 10% of the rich visitor segmentation information available from their web sites. How can…