If you are spending less than a hundred thousand dollars a month on pay per click advertising, you probably don’t need a full-time person managing that program. But if you let it run on autopilot, you are certainly wasting a lot of money.
You need a contractor who can manage that program. That’s where I come in.
Here are a few of the things I can do to make the most of your PPC budget:
- Structure your PPC campaigns in an optimal way to establish relevancy from keyword to landing page
- Ensure your campaigns are broken out into Search network, Display network, and Image type campaigns
- Make adjustments to campaign settings to ensure there is no wasted spending (demographic, geo-targeting, etc.)
- Do keyword discovery to ensure you have a wide footprint of longtail keywords
- Make sure all keywords are set for both broad and exact match types
- Research non-performing keywords and add negative keywords
- Research non-performing placements in the Display network and exclude those
- Develop text ad variations and conduct tests to find top performing ads
- Ensure your destination URLs are using tracking parameters for complete performance tracking through the website
- Ensure conversion tracking code is deployed and conversions are being properly tracked
- If Google Analytics has not already been set up and deployed, do that
- Ensure Google Adwords and Google Analytics are linked
- Optimize your landing pages to ensure excellent relevancy and quality
- Implement Conversion Optimizer on campaigns that qualify
- Implement Remarketing campaigns
- Ongoing monitoring, bid adjustments, and testing for continued improvement
- Produce regular reports so you can see the progress.
I guarantee you’ll save or earn a lot more money than you’ll pay me.
I’ve set up this website to give you a sense of my skills in this field. If you check out any of the links in the top menu I’m sure you’ll see that I’m the real deal. I know this business inside out—and not just search engine marketing, but SEO, web development, web analytics, ecommerce, demand generation and CRMs, you name it.
If you need a bona fide SEM specialist to a whip your pay per click program into shape, I’m your man!
Just submit the form on the right and I’ll contact you to discuss your situation.
I’m looking forward to talking with you!